Here we are almost done with February so I thought it would be a great time to ask, how are you doing on your 2023 goals? You spent valuable time (presumably) in November or December thinking about your business goals for the coming year. You hit January 1 and you were excited to pull out your shiny new goals and launch yourself into the new year with all the energy needed. Or if you’re like me you took a couple of weeks to decompress and recover from the holiday craziness and THEN you pulled out your 2023 goals and got busy!

We’re now almost at the end of February. Where are you with those goals? Did you work hard at them and stay on task for the first few weeks or at least the first few days? Has the day to day hustle of running your business crept back in and overwhelmed you to the point where the new goals have been set aside for the moment?

If so, don’t despair! You are not alone. It’s easy to get so caught up in the day to day tasks of keeping your business running that new ideas and new processes get pushed aside. The unfortunate truth about this though is that the day to day tasks keep your business alive but these new things provide the nutrients to allow your business to grow.

Whether you’ve stuck to your carefully planned goal execution or if you’ve slipped a bit, it’s not a bad idea to do a quick reality check this month. Ask yourself the following questions:

Are the goals I set for my business for 2023 realistic?

It’s easy to get very ambitious in your new years goal planning, perhaps a little too ambitious.

Am I able to devote the time needed to achieve all my goals?

Now that you’re into the new year you have a better idea of how much time you have to spend on growth verses maintenance of your business.

 If the answer to either of these questions is no, that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up, there is still time to re-adjust and re-align. Scale back on your goals a bit if you need to. Keep in mind a couple of goals met are better than a long list of goals that sat in the corner gathering dust for a year. And if you find that you’ve scaled back too much and you meet your 2023 goals in August, you can always start working on your 2024 goals!


Another article you might like;

What kind of people are you hiring?


 About Eliza

Eliza is an experienced professional pet business owner with a specialty in pet sitting and dog walking businesses. As The Pet Business Coach, she offers coaching and resources to aspiring or current pet business entrepreneurs. She maintains an awesome blog for pet business owners and a practical podcast to help pet business owners excel and drive their business forward. Eliza and her husband live in the Appalachian Mountains with their furry and feathery family including cats, goat and chickens. Visit her websites at


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