I'm not kidding, really, it's totally FREE!Convincing a Potential Dog Walking Client to Hire You
Do you have lots of leads but not much conversion? Are you struggling with bringing customers from considering hiring you as a dog walker to taking the plunge and signing up? You’re not alone. Selling is hard and finding people to sell too or generating leads isn’t always the hard part. Once you find them, you need to close the deal and that’s often just as or even harder! Download this free guide on how to convince people to hire you as a dog walker and get the edge over your competition!
Getting to Yes with a Potential Pet Sitting Client
The decision to hire a pet sitter is an important one. Many people aren’t even aware that in home care is an option for their pets and they don’t fully understand the benefits that a professional pet sitter can offer. You know what value you bring but you need to help them see it as well. Don’t leave the decision to chance or assume they will see your value on their own. Download this free guide on how to convince people to hire you as a pet sitter and get the edge over your competition!
Defining Your
Ideal Client
Have you taken the time to define your ideal client? What are their characteristics, likes, dislikes, buying habits and general profile? By better understanding who your target customer is, you can better target your marketing messages and stretch your limited advertising budget. Take a look at this free guide to what areas to consider to better define who your target client is exactly.
Naming Your
Pet Business
Picking a name for your new pet business is important. It’s like naming your new baby. Have you considered how your new business name will affect how people find and see you? It’s worth taking some time and care to be sure you consider all aspects of your new name. Take a look at this checklist to make sure you don’t miss anything.
Helping you launch, grow and love your pet business!
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Eliza Burr
Pet Business Specialist